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    As you will find, Lytle Creek, California is a very unique community. We are small but mighty, and full of beauty and adventure. Below are some demographics about the area. (This information came from U.S. Census Bureau.)


Location- California, United States, North America



Lat/Lon- 34°15′33″N 117°29′57″W



Center Elevation- 3,419 ft



Population- 1,127



Median Household Income- $71,000



Ethnic Group Ratio- Caucasian (59.4%) Hispanic (35%) Asian (2.5%)

About Lytle Creek

A Brief History

Too few people in the San Bernardino Valley Know of the importance and colorful history of Lytle Creek Canyon. Even the people that live in the canyon know little of what has gone on historically in Lytle Creek. Below, believe it or not, is only a brief history of how Lytle Creek, CA came to be. The following information derived from the book "The Story of Lytle Creek Canyon" by Virginia R. Harshman. 

Early Inhabitants - The first residents in Lytle Creek Canyon were the Serrano Indians who lived in the San Bernardino Valley and adjacent mountain areas. It is believed the Serranos moved from the San Bernardino Valley during the hot summer months to the cooler Lytle Creek area where they gathered acorns, fished and hunted. Later, as California become a Mexican Territory, explorers and eventually early settlers came to the area. The Mexican Government awarded large parcels of land to ranchers. Ranchers grazed their cattle along the hillsides of the present day Cucamonga Wilderness. Hunters and trappers also came with the promise of a new wild land, and wild and dangerous it was. One early trapper, Isaac Slover, was killed by a grizzly bear in October 1854 near the present day Lone Pine Canyon Rd. The Mormons were the first who showed any real interest in establishing a permanent settlement in Lytle Creek. In 1851, Brigham Young sent three companies of Latter Day Saints to assist in the war with Mexico. By the time they got to the area, however, the war was nearing an end so they established settlements. In June of 1851 they posted camp at the mouth of Lytle Creek Canyon, in a grove of Sycamore trees, surviving by hunting the land and fishing the waters. Captain Andrew Lytle was one of the commanding officers from which “Lytle’s Creek” or Lytle Creek got its name. Though Captain Lytle did not stay long, others remained in the area establishing small farms. By the 1800s, with the influx of foreigners, and establishment of missions, the traditional way of life for the Serrano came to an end. 

Gold Fever - In the mid 1800s gold fever hit California and Lytle Creek was no exception. Hundreds of prospectors and hopefuls hurried into the canyon and staked claims. Most findings taken from the canyon were fairly small but some nuggets (chispas) were discovered. Texas Point Mine was the most intense hydraulic mining operation. At its peak it was yielding $2,000 per week. Hydraulic mines often contaminate water supplies and the Texas Point was no exception. In the late 1800s the owners lost a court case in the Supreme Court. As a result all hydraulic mining was outlawed on Federal Lands. As you come into the canyon, to the left, you will see the scars from this mine on the hill beyond the gate for San Sevaine Rd. 

Horse Thieves - There is also evidence that horse thieves used upper Lytle Creek as a refuge for stolen animals in the 1850s and 1860s. The Mason Henry gang was said to have brought their stolen horses into the canyon, with hideouts both in the Mt. Baldy and San Sevaine Flats area.

A Traveler’s Paradise - On the right side of the road is Mountain Lakes, a present day resort. This membership only RV Park has a set of trout ponds, swimming pools and arcades. Mountain Lakes Resort has a long history in Lytle Creek with vacationers traveling to the ranch for over 150 years. Silas Glenn was the original owner. In 1865, his family planted orchards of apples, raised livestock and entertained traveling families with dances, camping and fishing. Many railroad travelers would make the stop at the Keenwood Station and take a horse and buggy over to the early day resort as a reprieve from their travels. Silas Glenn turned over his ranch in the Cajon Pass area to his son-in-law, James Applewhite instead of his own sons, and the Glenn brothers were worried that he would also deed the resort to Applewhite. One night the two sons called Applewhite out over the matter, but Applewhite had the upper hand. Both sons were shot and killed. Forty years later, the bullet holes could still be seen in the front door. Glenn Ranch was not the only resort in Lytle Creek. In 1907 Green Mountain Ranch located on South Fork opened. Visitors enjoyed dancing, dining, and shows there. It is still open today for special events. 

The Town of Lytle Creek - Today, within the city of Lytle Creek, lie three small towns which make up a community of about 2,000 people. The small towns are Scotland, Tally’s and Happy Jack. William Campbell Scott, a developer, bought land where the Middle Fork meets the North Fork of Lytle Creek. In the 1930s, he opened a market and subdivided the land to create the town called Scotland. By the 1930’s a café, dance hall and service station brought diversion to locals and visitors alike. In 1921, Seymour Tally subdivided land and Tally’s was developed. In 1905, Joseph “Happy Jack” Pollard came to Lytle Creek as a miner, and he was known for his nightly entertainment, geniality and humor. He subdivided his ranch for sale in the 1920s. The promoters claimed that each plot had a stream with running water (even though the stream did not currently run through every property). They took a tractor and dug a ditch leading from the stream, so that indeed every property had running water! 

US Forest Service - The San Bernardino Forest Reserve was created in February 1893, in order to protect the watershed and halt the indiscriminate hunting, grazing and logging. By July, 13 1900 the forest reserve hired their first Ranger for Lytle Creek. Ranger Casey lived in the lower canyon and served as ranger until 1903. In 1905, the forest reserve system changed to the US Forest Service. Recreation and camping in the summer time was popular with vacationers. Campgrounds were set up at Bonita Falls area and Stockton Flats (named after the original owner, a gold miner). Today, the Forest Service operates a ranger station, in Lytle Creek Canyon. As the district office for the Front Country Ranger District, the Lytle Creek Station manages nearly 200,000 acres of land. We hope you enjoy your walk through history today."

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